Zack had an appointment at Doernbecher today. It was an easy day: only one kind of chemo (vincristine, a synthetic form of a compound found in Madagascar periwinkle) plus a flu shot. Zack's blood counts are very strong and Dr. Anur was so happy to see how healthy Zack looked, he brought Doctors Wolff and Stork to see him.
Zack was relieved to find out he's officially more than 5 feet tall! His weight is about the same but he's averaging in the high-70s instead of the mid-70s. Nurse Rochelle took care of Zack today and he also saw Nurse Cyndi and Rowena.
Halloween pictures are posted per Dr. Anur's request!

Indiana Jones (Zack), Aragorn (Gaelan), Zorro (Edan),
a She-Devil (Gabe), a Stormtrooper (Josh)

Zack as Indiana Jones
hey zack, I'm soooooooooooooo glad to here that you are doing so mooch beater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-riv riv
hats off to all the boys for their awesome costumes!
Wow much candy! Any Snickers ? See you soon Zack . Love Grandma
Zack! I like your 7th grade photo! I've been thinking of you...and am so proud of your strength as a person. Way to go. Hope you had a great Halloween and your mom had a wonderful birthday with you home safe and sound. Love, Frank
Love the Indiana Jones costume. Great skypiece! Keep eating. I want to do some serious armwrestling the next time I see you.
Oh meat,
Wow...have you come a long way! It is so good to hear and see that you are doing so well. Are you having as much fun with 7th grade homework as Noah? (NOT!!!) I think of you often...I just finished coaching Adrienne's fall soccer team, the Mavericks (of all names)--at this point most of the girls are taller than I am. Keep eating and growing and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Hi Maria. Beatrice
Hi Zack -
Your Halloween costumes are awesome!
I saw the post about Nita Talbot and wanted to send you her mailing address. It is:
Nita Talbot
3420 Merrimac Road
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1034
I have always loved Hogan's Heroes as well! :)
You are an amazing kid. Stay strong -
Zack, every day things are going to get better and better.
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