Thursday, August 7, 2008

Zack is continuing to heal...his lungs are able to take in greater volumes of oxygen with each breath. His "sats" (saturation of air in his bloodstream) are also improving. The respiratory therapists are now using a combination of mucomyst (a thins mucous) and albuterol (to opens his lungs) to help him clear out his lungs.

On Wednesday, the docs decided to stop administering muscle relaxants. Zack is still heavily sedated but when he's not sleeping, he's very aware of his surroundings and is able to communicate with me. Lots of head nodding today helped me understand his comfort level (he's comfortable and not in pain!)...the breathing tube is resting on his vocal chords so he's not able to speak but he did mouth a few things today, helping the nurses better see to his needs. 

Another good thing about not being on muscle relaxants is that Zack is able to cough on his own without help from respiratory therapists...our own coughs are the best way to clean out our lungs.

Thank you to the Cedarwood community for the event that took place on Wednesday night. Your well wishes and healing thoughts for Zack are appreciated. 

I'd like to invite everyone to take some big, deep breaths of healthy air for Zack and send that healing oxygen to his lungs. I've been doing this every time I get a chance to go outside and I know he feels it. 

Thank you everyone for your love and support!

Zack's Grandma and Courtney


Anonymous said...

Zack! Keep fighting!!! Yesterday Omar Vizquel of the SF Giants came to Teatro Zinzanni...11 time Golden Glover...He's a fan of the show and said that when I'm in Seattle this fall he is going see the show. I want you to come up with Mom, see the show and we will all hang out afterward...ok? Love, Frank

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Zack, this is Carol in gloomy Pacifica...but the good thing is I can breath in good clean air and send it your smog or smoke nothing but good and healthy catch it Zack it's coming your way, grab on and let it go all the way down to your tummy if possible!!!! Good breathing Zack and mom and grandma!!!! Prayers and air are doing it for you....I am at the beach breathing can you feel it yet??? Talk to you soon Love Carol

Suzy Happ said...

Hi , Maria and Zack,
We are sending love and positive thoughts from Mexico where we arrived yesterday for a family vacation and reunion. we will continue to take deep breaths and send prayers for you. They are coming from around the globe, I am sure. It must be a relief to be able to communicate if only a little. Hang in there, both of you. Your whole family. You are so held and so loved by so many. The candlelight vigil was beautiful. People around you are moving deeper into their own hearts which is where we all are connected.
Love, Suzy Chris Julia and Gabe

Anonymous said...

Zack its Tony. I am breathing in buckets-full, barrels-full, barges-full of fresh, clean, cool, cleansing air for you my friend!

While you lay there getting stronger with each passing minute, imagine that you are flying and keening over vast, impossibly green forests, trading your carbon dioxide for their oxygen in a veritable conversation with the trees.

Feel the sun on your shoulders as you ascend on huge balloons of rising air - soaring through crisp , white, clouds, toward the edges of the earth. Toward the blue of the moon and back again!

Large hug and Large Love from me and Edan. I will come see you when I get back from Seattle this weekend.

Mendy said...

Zack! Hello from the Lair Hill! I wanted to tell you that J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, has a new book coming out. I thought you would be excited to hear that. It's going to be called "The tales of Beetle the Bard." It ties in with the Harry Potter storyline. The only catch is that it doesn't come out until December 4th! That is a long time to wait but thought you would want to know. Keep up the good breathing and stay strong. -Mendy

crllull said...

Hi! The Murph n' Turf and I were just in the backyard taking in the fresh air and sending it to Portland. We decided to send it via owl as Harry and his Hogwarts pals would deem most sufficient :). Actually, since I talked to you Maria, I do this every time we're out on trails: I envision my deep breaths filling your lungs Zack.

I love you both!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Maria for keeping the updates coming. Zack is on my mind all the time and it's great to be able to hear how well he's responding with every passing day. Steve, Julia, Stefani, and I are taking the biggest, deepest, longest breaths of fresh sierra mountain air. Feel the crisp clean air fill your lungs with every healing breath you take.

David Biondi said...

Hey Zack! I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Right now, I am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Your mom or grandma can show you where it is on a map...if they can find it:) I just wanted you to know that there are people all over the world looking forward to seeing you back up and at'em soon. Take care, Zack, and tell your mom and grandma that I said hello.
-David Biondi

Anonymous said...

Yeah Zack! I just took a big breath for you, you can probably smell it all the way up there because I just had a turkey, pickle and onion sandwich for breakfast! PU!

Go Zack!

Go Zack!

Samantha Martin

Ελλάδα said...

There are no words to describe how AMAZING this album is. From the beginning all its way through the end the music you find here is an unforgettable experience. Before I jump into conclusions with some of the songs let me tell you that this girl is so talented on her own terms. The production of the album is stunning and the arrangements of the instruments flow in such an incredible way and natural form that you might believe that perfection is what you hear. A piano here, an Arp there (such a beautiful inclusion to this record), an electric and acoustic guitar every now and then make the songs come up with their own personality.